June 27


Becoming a Croupier: 4 Tips to Launch Your Career

Becoming a croupier might not be your first thought when it comes to career paths, but you’d be surprised at how appealing the career can be once you know what it’s like and have some tips on how to get started with it. Croupiers are also called dealers in most casinos or 20Bet. They are responsible for dealing out cards to players and collecting winnings from them when they win.

1) How to get started

The process for becoming a croupier varies from country to country. In general, it’s not too difficult to get started with many jurisdictions requiring only an application and background check. However, casinos may also require gaming certification (and sometimes even college degrees) for employment as a croupier.

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The easiest way to get started is by visiting your local casino and asking about hiring. Chances are, they’ll be happy to fill you in on everything you need to know! You should also visit your local gaming society or professional organization for guidance or attend seminars geared towards getting you into a croupier.

2) How to become an official croupier

Becoming an official croupier is not easy, and it will require hard work and dedication. Once you’ve cleared those hurdles, there are two main ways of becoming an official croupier in your chosen country. In Australia, for example, you’ll need to hold a Certificate IV in Gambling Operations. In Las Vegas, you have to prove yourself by working as an apprentice.

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3) The job of the croupier

The croupier’s role is to provide entertainment through running games of chance such as roulette, baccarat, blackjack, and other card games.

Their most important role in ensuring that all bets are placed honestly. Croupiers cannot pay out or accept money for their account—all winnings go into their pot and must be handed out by them. If anyone tries to place an illegal bet in a casino, it is up to them to make sure they won’t get away with it.

4) Other tips and advice

Make sure you have completed all your education requirements first, such as high school and college. This can take up to 6 years or more, depending on where you’re located. If you work hard and show responsibility, some casinos may be willing to train croupiers without formal education. But if it’s your first time working in gambling, you should make sure you’re ready for it! Keep reading below for further information on becoming a croupier.

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Apply for a job at an online casino or land-based casino: Both of these options are good places to start your career as a croupier. Online casinos are usually much easier to get into than land-based ones, but land-based ones tend to pay better and offer better hours (online casinos generally operate 24/7).

Land-based casinos require longer commutes but allow you to learn from more experienced staff members while providing opportunities for promotions. Online casinos provide convenience with fewer responsibilities but also don’t offer many opportunities for advancement. Think about what is most important to you before applying anywhere!


Croupiers are some of the most knowledgeable casino game players in the world, and it takes a lot of practice to get good at their roles. If you’re curious about becoming a croupier, check out these four tips that will help you be successful in your new career path!

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