August 24


Comparing javascript frameworks for front-end development

There are many JavaScript frameworks out there, and the most authentic front-end developer course in Mumbai or Delhi should try to cover all of them. But we don’t want to talk about all of the JavaScript frameworks, and rather I want to compare the top javascript frameworks used professionally all over the world. A framework is a set of design patterns, strategies and techniques that can be used to build applications. So, in this post, we will show you how to select a good JavaScript framework for your next project.

  1. React

React is Facebook’s frontend framework, and it’s been around for a while. The idea is that you can build a single-page application (SPA) without having to deal with HTML or CSS. Instead, React uses JavaScript to structure your application. While React has many features built into it, the main one is the virtual DOM system that allows you to easily change parts of your app without reloading it in the browser. This means that you can easily add or remove parts of your application as needed and see how it looks immediately. You don’t have to wait for your browser to refresh after every change!

  1. Vue
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Vue is a progressive frontend framework for building modern web apps. Vue is designed to be incrementally adoptable, so you can start using it today without the need for a full-blown migration.

Vue has gained popularity in recent years as the preferred way to build user interfaces with JavaScript. It’s particularly popular with developers who want a highly customisable framework that integrates well with other tools and libraries.

Some instances when you would be typically asked to use Vue in a front-end development certification tutorial :

  • You want to focus on your application logic and leave presentation details up to a library or framework.
  • You want to use one framework across all of your apps rather than creating different versions for each project.
  1. Angular
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Angular is a popular frontend framework for building mobile and desktop web applications. It’s a complete rewrite of the original AngularJS, and it adds new features like components and router-based navigation. Angular is built on top of TypeScript, which means it can be used with any JavaScript project. It’s also easy to learn, thanks to the strong community support and tutorials available online. Angular has two main versions: AngularJS (version 1) and Angular (version 2). Version 2 was released in March 2017, so if you want to use Angular 7, you’ll need to switch to version 2 or later before upgrading your app.

  1. Nest
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 Nest.js is a JavaScript library that makes it easy to add components to your web pages without writing a single line of HTML. Nest provides a simple API for building modern, responsive websites and apps with CSS, HTML, and JavaScript.

Nest lets you create reusable modules that you can use on other pages in your project or even in other projects. Nest also lets you compose components together like LEGO pieces: nest one component into another and nest them into yet more components!

  1. Next

This is rapidly becoming the most popular framework among the students who enrol in a front-end developer course in Hyderabad or elsewhere. See more. Next is a lightweight, modular, and flexible open-source front-end framework for building your next web app in JavaScript and other browser technologies. It’s built on the power of Web Components, which enable you to use web standards and create your own custom HTML tags that behave like native DOM elements.

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It’s designed to be easy to learn, develop with and extend while providing all the functionality you need to build high-quality apps.

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